The World Has Gone Insane
Me coding in 2006…
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type\n";
They say: “Perl is just executable line noise”
Me coding in 2018…
function MyButton(props) {
return (
{context => (
<button {...props}>
<style jsx>{`
button {
padding: ${ 'large' in props ? '50' : '20' }px;
background: ${props.context.background};
They say: “It’s so concise and I’m so productive!”
Yes, I’m being a grump. React is great. I just miss Perl some days.